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Thursday, May 26, 2011

CSB #8: The Effect of Different Exercise on Heart Rate


How Standing, Walking, and Jogging Affects Heart Rate

Background Info: Our project tested heart beat rate after doing physical exercise. Heart beat rate was measured after standing in place for a minute, walking in place for a minute, and running in place for a minute. 

Why we chose this topic: We were curious to figure out how various daily activities affected our heart rate. In addition, after watching the video on heart attacks we were concerned about how each activity plays a role in our heart rate, and how we can take care of our hearts in the long-run

QUESTION: Does physical exercise increase a person's heart beat rate? Does the physical intensity of the exercise have a positive correlation with heart beat rate.

HYPOTHESIS: We think that physical exercise increases heart beat rate. The more intense the activity, the higher the heart beat rate will go.

METHODS: We first measured a person's heart rate for 1 minute using Vernier's Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor. During this one minute, we would either stand, walk, or run in place. Make sure to rest for a few minutes before doing another run of the experiment. After Logger Pro finished collecting data on our laptops, we examined it.


VARIABLES: The intensity of the exercise was the independent variable and the dependent variable was the heart rate.


Leo's heart rate while running

 Matthew's heart rate while walking
Zabin's heart rate while standing (Went from 84-94 beats per minute)
 Eric's heart rate while standing
 Vikram's heart rate while running
 Vikram's heart rate while standing
Vikram's heart rate while walking in place

 Zabin's heart rate while running


Eric's heart rate while walking in place

Although the values on the tables are not readable, the points on the graphs show that their is an increase in heart rate when exercising. In addition, the faster we moved, the steeper the slope of the graph was. Therefore, we can conclude that the physical intensity had a positive effect on heart rate.  
PHYSIOLOGY ASPECT: Cells transport oxygen and energy using blood. The more intense an exercise becomes, the more oxygen and energy is necessary for your body. So, blood needs to be shipped out much faster. In order to ship blood faster, the heart must pump blood out faster. Therefore, heart rate goes up. Since running in place required the most energy, the heart rate went up the most.

When planning this experiment, we also thought about testing the CO2 emissions during exercise. However, we did not have time and ended up doing only heart rate. So, if we repeat this experiment again, we will add that variable.

Thanks to Leo Yu and Matthew Huang for also contributing data sets.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How To Treat Acute Pancreatitis Using Aluminum Foil, Gelatin, Milk Protein, A Cheap LED Light, and A Few Other Cheap Items


In the university of Texas, a smart grad has found out how to do a fast one-hour test of acute pancreatitis using aluminum foil, gelatin, milk protein, a cheap LED light, and a few other cheap materials. All of this can be done using less than a dollar. For those who do not know, acute pancreatitis is the sudden swelling or inflammation of the panacreas. This is a serious issue which can cause pain, fever, or even death. Since it is so serious, it needs to be identified as quickly as possible. That is why Brian Zaccheo, the graduate behind this amazing device, created it. This test is much faster than any known methods. This sensor is simple enough to understand. It uses a two-step protocoal to test for the disease. In step one, a bit of blood extract is dropped onto a layer of gelatin and milk protein. If there are high levels of trypsin, an enzyme that is overabundant in the blood of patients with acute pancreatitis, the trypsin will break down the mixture the way it breaks down protein in the stomach. In step two, a drop of sodium hydroxide is added. If the trypsin levels were high enough to break down that first barrier, the sodium hydroxide can trickle down to the second barrier, a strip of aluminum foil, and start dissolving it. The foil breaks down, and with both barriers now permeable, a circuit is able to form between a magnesium anode and an iron salt at the cathode. Enough current is generated to light up a red LED. If the LED lights up within an hour, acute pancreatitis is diagnosed. In addition,

This is a great invention because it is cheap and self-powered. It is also faster than any known method. This invention will be useful for people in developing worlds, who do not have the resources for more complicated tests. In addition, it could be used when batteries are in short supply. Finally, it could be used in hospitals as a measure to test for acute pancreatitis. This ingenious solution is brilliant, a model that all future scientists should try to follow: cheap, simple, and fast.

Citations: : Dilow, Clay. "In One Hour, For Less Than a Buck, a Sensor Made of Jell-O and Foil Detects Acute Pancreatitis." Popular Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 May
2011. <>.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Key To Japan's Nuclear Disaster: ALGAE

                                                           By: Zabin Bashar


Penchant- Tendency to do something
Sequester- Isolate
Culture Bacteria- Grow Bacteria

Summary and Discussion

Recently, Japan has undergone one of the most tragic and expensive natural accidents in history. It experienced a 9.0 earthquake, which struck some nuclear power plants. Many of these power plants experienced a meltdown and have released much waste, including the deadly radioactive isotope called strontium-90. Strontium-90 has a similar size to calcium, making it difficult to separate the two. This is where the algae, Closterium Moniliferum, comes 
into play. This algae has a "unique penchant for sequestering strontium into crystals". Generally, C. Moniliferum, tries to go after barium. However, stronium-90 has a size in between calcium and barium, so the algae vacuums this isotope too. One benefit to this algae is that it does not convert the harmless calcium. In addition, the conversion factor could be speeded up by seeding barium in the nuclear power plant's site.

This find could be crucial to helping Japan in its effort to clean up this disaster by saving money and time.  The algae is effective in both of these categories. It is cheap to culture and can start precipitating strontium-90 crystals in half an hour. This ingenious solution to the nuclear crisis is an excellent example of how science can be applied to problems in real life. The algae is an excellent find by scientists and will provide tremendous help for the people of Japan. 

Citations: Dillow, Clay. "Algae Could Be Key to Cleaning Up Nuclear Accident Sites." 
     Popular Science. Popular Science, 1 Apr. 2011. Web. 7 Apr. 2011.

Monday, March 7, 2011

CSB #5: New Nanotech Solution Cuts Engine Friction By More Than Half

In any metal on metal machine (i.e: car engines and industrial machines) energy is lost as heat to friction. While this loss can be minute (as in the case of a toaster), the losses could be huge amounts (as in cases like car engines). However, a new nanotech solution, created by Dr. Guojun Liu, could reduce the amount of energy lost to friction. This chemistry professor at Queen's university used base automobile engine oils with nanoscale polymer particles just tens of nanometers in size. When tested under simulated conditions that imitate sufrace metal contact on car engines, these particles reduced friction by more than 50%. Since metal-on-metal machinery is used widely around the world, this cutting edge friction reducing "nanolube" could save enormous amounts of energy. Due to this potential, Dr. Liu has been awarded the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers' Captain Alfred E. Hunt Memorial Award. I think that he is deserving of the award because this has the power to save massive amounts of energy. Being a lubricant, this product is cheap and simple. In a world dominated by energy, this lubricant will be of vital importance. I chose this article, because I am interested in cheap, yet practical methods to solve problems. This is a simple method, in where a lubricant could save much energy in the future. Many people try looking at complex ways to save energy (i.e: solar panel and hybrid cars). However, Dr. Liu found a simple, yet ingenious method to save energy: a lubricant. Small advancements like this, which many people can use, will be necessary in the near future as our energy-wasting ways catch up with us.


1) Dillow, Clay. "New 'Nanolube' Could Cut Engine Friction by More Than Half." 
PopSci. N.p., 2 Mar. 2011. Web. 7 Mar. 2011. <
2011-03/ new-nanolube-could-cut-engine-friction-more-half>.

Monday, January 10, 2011



Oxidize: Combine chemically with oxygen

Methanotrophs - Bacteria that oxidize methane as an energy source

Methane: A gas


Last year, we were witness to a terrible oil spill that was detrimental to the Gulf. The cleanup operation as hardly a success, and environmentalists all over the world were worried about this catastrophe. An investigation led by John Kessler, an oceanographer at Texas A&M University has found out that methanotrophs, a species of bacteria, were feasting on the spill. Bacteria have evolved to live with the Gulf's naturally occurring oil seeps and high methane concentrations so they are effective in taking out methane. Their effectiveness is a relief, considering what would have happened without them. In mid-June, scientists found methane concentrations nearly 100,000 times above normal levels, and learned it was decomposing slowly. It was suggested that it would take many years for the hydrocarbon to dissipate. However, within four months of the oil spill, bacterial blooms had removed more than 200,000 metric tons of methane. Kessler and colleagues conducted this investigation by taking three cruises aboard the NOAA ship Pisces between Aug 18 and Oct. 4, collecting 207 separate water samples and measuring their oxygen and methane concentrations. Since oxygen drops when vacteria breath methane, researchers say the depleted oxygen levels can only be explained by the consumption of methane. They also examined the genetic sequences of bacteria in the samples, which suggested a growing population of methane eating life forms. Funnily enough, methane was what started the whole BP oil spill. A methane bubble surged from the Macondo well up the Deepwater Horizon's drill column, busting several seals on its way to the rig, causing a huge explosion. This not only killed 11 people, but also cause 83 days of oil spilling into the Gulf.

I chose this article because I am interested in the BP oil spill and bacteria.  It is amazing that such basic forms of life could have such a huge impact on the environment. This article not only opened my mind to how catastrophic the BP oil spill was, but to how every life form has a place on this planet. It makes me think what my place on this planet is. In addition, I think the Gulf is lucky that the methanotrophs were so efficient or its sea life would face much more trouble than they are now( although they still are facing a lot of trouble.

1) Is the genome for the methane harvesting part of the methanotroph mapped out? If so, could we put this in another bacteria and grow methane eating bacteria to put in the atmosphere or another oil spill.?

2) Can we speed up the process of methane eating in methanotroph with genetic engineering?

Boyle, Rebecca. "Bacteria Ate All the Methane From the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, New Study Says." PopSci. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2011 <>.